Main Crops | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pakistan has diversified agriculture resulting from the variety of climates and landforms. The main crops are wheat,sugarcane,rice,barley,tobacco,cotton maize etc.And following table shows production rate(000M.tons/annum) of these crops in District Jhang. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Main Fruits This realization has come that horticulture is more profitable than field cropping so the Government is encouraging fruit production and also permits additional supplies of water for this purpose. In District Jhang annual production rate of fruit is given as under. |
Main Vegetables Urban centers are large consumers of vegetables. Most of vegetables are of perishable nature which need immediate marketing. |
PRODUCTION OF MAIN VEGETABLES (1998-99 to 2000-2001) |
LIVESTOCK POPULATIONÂ Live Stock assumes a special importance. Agriculture is not widely mechanized and draft animals are the main source of power for farm operations for ploughing threshing the crop.. The animal population of the district is given in table. |
ANIMAL POPULATION | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Poultry Population | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Improvement of poultry farming is pressing need to supplement the food supply and improve its protein contents. The number of poultry population in District Jhang is estimated 775084. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Production of Wool
Efforts are being made for the production of quality wool. A woolen center has also been established in Jhang city. Availability of Hides/Skins and slaughter House Wastes has been made proper. |
Availability of Hides / Skins and Slaughter House Wastes.